Here are some commonly asked questions...  

Please give us a call if you have any other questions 1-780-980-5391 or email: sabrams@robinsoncontrols.com

How long has Robinson Controls been in business?

Robinson Controls has been in business for more than 60 years.  It was established in 1954 under the name Camrose Electric Controls.  Since the main product line was called Robinson Pressure Switches we decided to change our name in 2009 to Robinson Controls to make it easier to place the name to the product.  

What does Robinson Controls do?

Robinson Controls is a designer and manufacturer of pressure switches (Presco style) for hazardous locations where explosive atmospheres could be present.

Does Robinson Controls have a Quality Management System? 

Yes. We have a registered Quality Management System which meets the ISO 9001:2015 standard.

Do Robinson Pressure Switches meet ASME Section VIII Div 1 and CSA B51 Standards?

Yes. All of the Robinson Pressure Switches have Canadian Registration Numbers with the Alberta Boiler and Safety Associations (ABSA). Robinson Controls also has an approved quality program which is registered with ABSA which is audited annually by ABSA.  

Do Robinson Pressure Switches meet ANSI/ISA-12.27.01-2003 standard for Dual Seal devices?

Yes. All of Robinson Pressure Switches have had their primary & secondary seals verified along with their annunciation methods by the Canadian Standards Association.

What area classifications are Robinson Pressure Switches certified for use?

Robinson Pressure Switches are certified for use in Class I, Div 1, Groups B,C and D and CEC Zone 1, Exd IIB + H2 T4 & T2.